December/January 2018


The Holidays are here! Have you noticed that it feels different? That there is something almost electric in the air this time of year? People are friendlier, kinder, more giving – as though there is magic dust being spread around! To me, though, it’s LOVE and COMPASSION . . .

“Love” is commonly misused in our language; it is loosely used to express many things: love of a child, love of a pet, love for the planet – even love of French fries!

It is a rather indefinable form of consciousness. For example, when people are in love they can lose their appetite, become more aware of the beauty of life, and experience wonderful imaginings. Love can cause a pleasant state of consciousness, produce a renewed sense of peace and joy, and has even been known to bring about longer life. However, it is not really an emotion.

Love is a celebration — a joy! Can this joy be contagious? Most definitely, YES! Laughter, a sure symptom of joy, is addictive, catchy, and infectious. A person may board a train in serious thought, but if a nearby passenger begins to laugh, the urge to laugh spreads; eventually, there is often laughter throughout the train.
The same principle applies to yawning; we often see the urge to yawn spreading from one person to another.

Love is Compassion; it creates light. The more compassionate we are, the more Love is produced and spread around the world. My hope this season is that we all become more compassionate, extending a kinder, more understanding attitude toward all of humanity. How much lovelier our world will be, when we let go of our fears and judgments!

Please – be a catalyst of Love, Compassion, Joy and Laughter. There is NO GREATER GIFT we can give one another! If we do this one thing, we can move into the New Year with a greater sense of connectedness to everything and everybody.

Enjoy this short video “THE BUDDHA ON THE TRAIN.”

Wishing all of you and your families Happy Holidays – Dan


“I find the best way to love someone is not to change them, but instead, help them reveal the greatest version of themselves.” Dr Steve Maraboli

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive, and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” Maya Angelou

“Kindness in words create confidence;
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness, kindness in giving creates love. Lao-Tzu

“Compassion is a verb” Thich Nhat Hanh


“The Brain is the most outstanding organ. It works for 24 hours, 365 days, right from your birth until you fall in love.”

“It’s funny how when someone says they love you, you can’t really feel it, but when they say they don’t love you anymore, you can feel every ounce of what was drained out of your entire being.”

“By the way, I’m wearing the smile you gave me.”

Have a Great Holiday & New Year

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