Class Descriptions

Healing Through Meditation Rocks

Mindfulness Healing Meditation Part I

Healing Meditation Part I is about learning to explore the many aspects of mindfulness meditation that create openings for healing. In these classes I will incorporate the work of Jon Kabat -Zinn on stress reduction as well as may other teachers including,Jack Kornfield, and Michael Singer and Joseph Goldstein. I have studied with many meditation teachers over the last 30 years. Here is a list of subjects we will be covering in the course.

  • Developing a practice
  • Understanding the brain and its function
  • Working with the mind through mindfulness practice
  • Videos on the latest research of how meditation promotes healing
  • Mindfulness eating, listening
  • Working with our emotions
  • Working with pain
  • Responding vs. Reacting
  • Walking meditation
  • Visualization techniques
  • Breathing techniques to assist relaxation
  • Nutrition how it effects us
  • Keep the practice going, comprehensive list of books, videos.

These are just a few areas to which I cover to assist one developing a practice of meditation that promotes healing.
My classes are constantly updated with the latest research on meditation.
Lots of handouts are given in each class for home practice and contemplation.

Mindfulness Healing Meditation Part II Rocks Rocks

Healing Meditation Part II is about what we have learned in Healing Meditation Part I and taking it to a deeper level. There is considerable new information that is handed out. We will continue to explore, mindfulness,meditation in movement, breathwork and intuition. It is in this way that we will be able to understand the self and bring about the peace and wholeness that we continually strive for.

Mindfulness Healing Meditation Part III Rocks Rocks Rocks

Healing Meditation Part III is about manifesting what we want, and the world we want to live in. We will explore deeper aspect of ourselves that promote healing through mindfulness, breathwork, and awareness. People have been very excited about this new class.

Two New Classes Forming

Passing the Torch Mindfully

I developed these classes in light of what we are experiencing on the planet. Our younger generations are particularly being challenged by susceptibility to job loss, climate change, and a fear of the future. The format for these new classes includes information based on Mindful Based Stress Reduction from UMASS Medical Center, but with an additional emphasis on the challenges faced by the Millennial and Z generations. These classes will also provide an opportunity for thoughtful discussion.

Meditation for 20-Somethings

A new generation of Conscious Thinkers, Doers and Humanitarians

In this course, you will:

  • Learn how scientific research validates the effectiveness of meditation
  • Build inner strength to deal with outer circumstances no matter what the situation
  • Learn how to use meditation to better cope with life changes such as relationships, work, emotional, physical, or financial
  • Discover and gain immediate access to powerful inner resources for coping effectively with stress
  • Have an opportunity to discuss the problems that concern you most, and share ideas for a better world and how meditation can help you be a part of solutions
  • Discover there are outer and inner solutions to everything, and meditation leads to inner solutions
    *Learn exercises you can use to bring about relaxation, peace, and acceptance
    *Learn how an open mind and heart can help you stay flexible and adapt to a rapidly-changing world
  • “Home practice” exercises and reading materials to support your meditation practice
    This online Zoom course includes 8 weekly classes for a SPECIAL price FREE, scheduled based on students’ preference. Please share this information with friends and family far and wide—the course can be accessed from anywhere.
    Register Here

Teen Empowerment through Mindfulness Training includes…

Life Skills for the Pandemic & After

This six-week forum provides young adults with coping skills through mindfulness training and class discussions. Through study materials, exercises, and conversations, participants learn how to flow with the challenges of the pandemic, and gain insights for future growth and improvement, from the personal to the global. Students will train their minds to focus on the present, while setting an intention on what they want for their personal lives, their careers and the world.

Teen Empowerment Through Mindfulness Training includes…

  • Understanding the workings and perceptions of the mind
  • Mindfulness skills for coping with anxieties and frustrations
  • Learning to ride the wave of life (living in the present moment)
  • Paying attention to the body (physical and emotional responses to stress)
  • Letting go of self-judgment
    Accepting all emotions, positive and negative
  • Recognizing what you cannot control
  • Stopping mindfully (pausing before reacting)
  • Practicing daily exercises to bring about relaxation, peace, and acceptance “Home practice” exercises and reading materials to support your meditation practice
    This online Zoom course includes 6 weekly classes for a SPECIAL price FREE.
    Please share this information with friends and family far and wide—the course can be accessed from anywhere.
    Register Here
    Be the change
    Be the Solution

Tell friends and family far and wide—the course can be accessed from anywhere.

Passing the Torch Mindfully;
Register Here

Meditation Classes

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